Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forbidden foods

This is a list of foods not allowed on the low-iodine diet:

iodized salt or sea salt
Dairy products (milk, butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese)
Vitamins (most multis add iodine)
Food and meds that contain Red dye FD&C #3
Egg yolks, whole eggs, or food containing them
Seafood (fish, shellfish, seaweed, kelp)
Foods that contain the additives: carragen, agar-agar, algin, algin= ates
Cured and corned meats
Breads with iodate dough conditioners
Chocolate (milk added)
Soy and soy products (soy sauce, tofu, soy milk)
Potato skins
Some beans (pinto, navy beans, lima beans, red kidney beans,)
Restaurant food
Processed foods, since there is no reliable way of knowing what kind of salt is used

I am going to spend the time before my doctor calls with a scan date compiling recipes, and posting them here. Suggestions always welcome!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Low Iodine, Redux

It's that time again! Docs let me take a year off after a few negative scans, but new irregular lymph nodes in my neck mean back to stricter monitoring and regular scans. A Thyrogen shortage means that I'm waitlisted for the next available not earmarked for someone with active cancer. I could get the call from my radiation doc at any time, and will have to start the low-iodine diet immediately. Job one is cleaning out my fridge/freezer, and looking up all my recipes.

You can read my previous low iodine posts at my old Posterous site.